General medicine Case 2

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 
Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.
 This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcomes. 

 A 57 year old man, who works different jobs for wages, hailing from Miryalaguda presented to the hospital with the following -

• generalized swelling of legs since 2 days.

Date of admission - 7/10/21.


• The patient was apparently asymptomatic two years back.

• Patient noticed swelling in their legs one and a half year ago.

• They visited a hospital in Miryalaguda who diagnosed the patient with Chronic Kidney Disease.

• The hospital instructed the patient to start dialysis.

• The patient starts dialysis but due to pandemic and lockdown patient In mid 2020 the patient decides to stop going for dialysis for 8 months.

• At home, the patient usually wakes up by 7am. They do not work or participate in the household activities. 

• The patient then sits out of the house in the sun till lunch. 

• After lunch patient sleeps; to wake up after 2 hours.

• The patient then gathers with their friends and talks to them till it's time for dinner.

• They complete their final meal of the day and then goes to bed.

• One fine afternoon, the patient notices their legs swelling up and his urine output decreasing drastically at the same time. 

• Then, the patient came forward to this current hospital and admitted himself 8 months ago. 

• They have been on dialysis ever since. 


• The patient suffers from Diabetes Mellitus.

• The patient suffers from Hypertension.

• Both Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension were apparently diagnosed three or four years back, from the time he had the first symptom of CKD.

• The patient doesn't suffer from Tuberculosis.

• The patient also doesn't suffer from asthma and epilepsy.

• They were never involved in any kinds of accidents.

• The patient have not undergone any surgeries.

• The patient recollects that he had undergone two blood transfusions about a month ago.


• The patient consumes a mixed diet of vegetarian and non vegetarian food.

• The patient was strictly consuming vegetarian diet since the symptoms of CKD appeared 8 months back.

• They appear to be adequately nourished. .

• There was a gradual onset of reduced micturation.

• Bowel movement is normal.

• They apparently have no habit of smoking.

• They apparently have no habit of drinking.



• No one in her family complains of a similar history.

• No one in their family suffers from any genetic conditions or deformities.

• As far as the patient knows, all the deaths in their family were by natural causes. 


• Patient is not allergic to any known drug or food.

• There is no known allergy to dust or pollen in the patient.


• On equiry, the patient refused to have taken any sorts of steroids, oral diabetes, insulin, antihypertensives , diuretics, ergot derivatives, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, hormone replacement therapy or contraceptive pills — prior to coming to the hospital.


• The patient is concious, coherent and cooperative.

• On examination, patient's mood appears to be well and is well built. 

• The patient has oedematous face.

• There is no lymphadenopathy present.

• There is no presence of clubbing.

• The patient has scratch marks over their legs confirming pruritis.

• There is oedema in both of their legs - pitting type.

• No decubitus is present.

• Patient has substantial pallor and pale tongue; appears to be anemic. 

• Patient appears to be mildly dehydrated.

• Vitals (on examining)

    Temperature- 99.3°F

    Pulse Rate- 81bpm.

    spO2- 97.

    Blood Pressure is 143/90.


(?) Chronic Renal Failure secondary to neglected Hypertension.



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